Deborah Ann Light Fund
About Deborah Ann Light
Deborah Ann Light was a Hedgewitch, feminist, environmentalist, philanthropist, and Pagan elder active in national and interfaith work. She passed away on July 21, 2015. In her will, she left $25,000 to Reclaiming. More information about her life and philanthropic work can be read at this link.
About the Deborah Ann Light Fund
The Deborah Ann Light Fund was formed to support scholarships and projects for the International Reclaiming Community. The spirit of this fund is to support greater inclusion in Reclaiming for people of color, transgender and gender nonconforming people, youth, seniors and differently abled individuals, as well as expansion of projects within Reclaiming. To our knowledge, this is the first fund of its kind established within Reclaiming.
The Reclaiming Wheel arrived at this decision after conducting a survey of community leaders and consulting our elders. Our intention is to honor Deborah Ann Light’s memory and allow for the broadest impact to our community.
Scholarship Fund for Core Classes
The scholarship fund is intended to support radical inclusion and spiritual development within Reclaiming - in particular our core classes. This fund is for Reclaiming teachers to support greater accessibility for people of color, differently abled, transgender and gender nonconforming people, queer, youth and seniors to attend Reclaiming-related classes. ($1500/year for 2020-2023) Students should apply directly to the class teachers for scholarship support, mentioning this fund. Teachers can apply to this fund to support scholarships for Core Classes up to $200 per class. In addition, funds can be used for supplies, venue rental and other costs associated with Core Classes, also up to $200 per class.
TEACHERS - To apply for scholarship funds you can fill out this form. We recommend you also email [email protected] to confirm there are available funds. Please expect 3-7 days for response time on your emails.…/1FAIpQLSf631HxJduGPoLCYp…/viewform
Project Fund & Application Info
The project fund is intended to support expansion of Reclaiming-related projects with special focus on new projects that support radical inclusion of marginalized voice and social justice within Reclaiming. Total of $1500 allocated for proposals each year; one application per person per year. A range of new projects can be funded here, from incubating a temple space, to supplies needed for an elaborate art project, to funds to support a new camp. ($1500/year for 2020-2023).
Project applications will be reviewed quarterly when the Wheel meetings. Please expect up to 3 month wait depending on when you submit your application. We give out funds until they are fully spent for the year. You can apply at this link:
1. How will the funds be utilized? The funds are on a planned spend down plan while being held in the Reclaiming credit union account. $3000 per year will be allocated toward scholarships and projects. In addition to these two funds, Reclaiming made a donation to the Mendocino Woodlands in gratitude for their years of gracious hosting of our community camps, and also sponsored a Bay Area training on Racial Justice for Collective Liberation for teachers and priestesses.
2. Who is in charge of managing the fund? The Reclaiming Wheel is the 501c3 of Reclaiming and is made up of representatives of all of the Bay Area Cells. The Wheel will provide leadership on and make decisions concerning distribution of the funds and is responsible for allocation and distribution of funds. Community members and Cell members continue to be welcome to attend Wheel meetings where the Deborah Ann Light Fund is discussed and provide their input, particularly when they have a proposal on the agenda. The Wheel meets on a quarterly basis and will review scholarship applications at each meetings. Project applications will be reviewed 1-2 times per year.
3. Who can I contact if I have more questions? To inquire with questions please email [email protected].
4. Who can apply? To our knowledge, this is the first of its kind fund for all of Reclaiming. Reclaiming is a community of people working to unify spirit and politics. Our vision is rooted in the religion and magic of the Goddess, the Immanent Life Force. We see our work as teaching and making magic: the art of empowering ourselves and each other to be a positive force in the world. In our classes, workshops, and public rituals, we train our voices, bodies, energy, intuition, and minds. We use the skills we learn to deepen our strength, both as individuals and as community, to make positive changes in the world in which we live, and bring to birth a vision of a new culture.
5. I am interested in donating to Reclaiming and/or to further support this fund. Additional donations to the Deborah Ann Light Fund can be made to Reclaiming (a 501c3) and earmarked for the Deborah Ann Light Fund. To inquire, please email [email protected].